How Fixation Masks Epitopes in Cytometry (And How to Fix It!)

How fixation can mask epitopes: When cells are fixed, the proteins get stuck together in different ways, making it harder for antibodies to reach and bind to the spots (epitopes) they normally would.

In both mass and flow cytometry, the goal is to measure specific immune populations. To measure these populations, we need to detect specific targets, often proteins, within individual cells. This detection relies on labeled antibodies binding to these targets, making them visible to the instrument. Antibodies bind to specific regions on a protein, known as epitopes. However, when samples are chemically fixed to stabilize them for storage, the fixation creates bonds (or methylene bridges) between nearby amino acids in a protein, a process known as cross-linking. These bonds, illustrated in red below, stabilize the protein but can block access to certain epitopes. As a result, some antibodies can no longer recognize their target because their binding region is now “masked.”

Fortunately, proteins have multiple epitopes, and other antibodies may bind to regions unaffected by fixation. These antibodies remain capable of detecting the protein in both fixed and unfixed states. Alternatively, fixation methods without formaldehyde such as methanol-based fixation can be utilized.

When working with fixed samples, it is essential to rigorously test each antibody in your panel to ensure its performance is not compromised by fixation. Proper testing helps ensure accurate and reliable detection of your targets in cytometry assays.

Accelerating aging for blood collection

Goal: Quantitatively measure that blood specimens collected in TokuKit for cytometry remain stable over a period of time.

Of course, we can do this the old-fashioned way, and just wait 24 months. And we are. However, there’s another method, using the Arrhenius equation, which allows us to “accelerate the aging” process. As we measure the “old-fashioned” way, we’ll update our stability assessment accordingly.

The normal storage temperature for TokuKit is -80°C. For accelerated aging, we used -30°C. We derived the days from the Accelerated Aging calculator, referenced by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), as follows:

For this, we used TAA = -30C, TRT = -80C, Q10 = 2, and Desired Real Time (RT) = 723 days.

Example 1: in our mass cytometry experiment, we stored the sample at -80°C for one year to naturally age the specimen. We then transferred the sample to -30°C for 12 days to mimic the second year of -80°C storage. This is the “accelerated” part of the experiment.

Example 2: in our spectral flow experiment, we stored the sample at -80°C for 1 week to establish a baseline. We then transferred one aliquot to -30°C for 23 days. This yields the “accelerated” to 2 years, mimicking two years at -80°C.

Pre-fixation versus post-fixation: what’s the difference?

Pre-fixation versus post-fixation. Sounds complicated. What do those terms mean, anyway?

Pre-fixation: The pre-fixation time is from drawing blood to putting it into our first buffer “stable lyse,” starting the blood fixation process. This stage needs to be done within five hours from the time of blood draw.

(The time between adding Buffer 1 and adding Buffer 2 is the “fixation time” which is a separate measurement that should be the recommended 15 min. At this point, the sample is “fixed”: meaning the cells have been “snapshotted” in place.)

Drug developers care about this measure because it can tell them how long a phlebotomist has to put the blood sample into a collection kit. A five hour window gives drug developers the flexibility to collect blood samples from multiple patients throughout the morning and process them all in the afternoon, or collect in the afternoon and process at the end of the day.

Post-fixation: The amount of time once the sample has been fixed and frozen, to when the sample is actually run on the cytometer and data is produced. This can be on the order of months, or even years.

Drug developers care about this measure because it can tell them how long the sample is stable for. For trials that run for 24 months, drug developers want to know that they can get the same quality of data from the 24 month-old samples from their first patient as their most recent patient.