Customizable Clinical Cytometry Panels

Add additional markers to a verified cytometry backbone to profile specific cell types, targets, and pathways, relevant to your research and drug programs.

TokuProfile backbone panels are constructed based on extensive prior knowledge, input from our academic and pharma partners, and years of experience over the course of multiple mass cytometry projects.

Each panel includes 1-10 open channels for markers to detect target-specific biomarkers and understand the mechanism of action, dose selection, and drug pharmacodynamics.

Add one antibody to a CLIA-validated cytometry panel

Include an additional marker on an off-the-shelf panel for profiling PBMCs or whole blood

Interested in the markers on Teiko’s 41-marker mass cytometry panel, but need to profile one additional marker to better understand how your drug is working or track a cell type of interest (like a CAR-T cell)?

This option may be perfect for you.

Design a custom cytometry panel with up to 10 additional markers

Add 2 to 10 markers to a 33-marker cytometry panel

Need more than one marker?

Customize a 30+ marker cytometry panel with up to 10 additional markers tailored to your program’s needs, and track additional subsets that may be impacted by your drug.

Panel Verification Report

Custom high-dimensional cytometry panels tailored to your drug programs.

With the development of a custom cytometry panel, customers will receive a panel verification report that includes:

  • The clone, conjugated metal, and optimal staining concentration for each antibody included in the panel.
  • A six-point titration for each antibody added to the panel backbone will be performed, and the following performance metrics will be reported:
    • Staining Index or Arcsinh Ratio
    • Frequencies of positive and negative cell populations displayed as a dot plot or histogram at each antibody concentration
    • Spillover (as a percent frequency) into nearby (+1, -1) and relevant (+16) metal channels on the panel
    • Complete gating strategy, including immune cell populations and functional marker subsets from control PBMC or whole blood samples
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Customizable Panel Designed by Experts

The TokuProfile Human Pan-Immune Panel Backbone includes:

  • Markers to identify every major immune cell population and subsets.
  • Expression of key co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory molecules that regulate cell functions.
  • Markers of recent activation and effector function.
  • Up to 10 open channels for customization.
  • Customize the backbone to your whole blood sample with 5 pre-selected antibodies, Siglec-8, FcER1, CD15, LOX-1, and cKit, to profile eosinophils, neutrophils, basophils, mast cells, and polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells (PMN-MDSCs).

Custom PBMC panel immune hierarchy and gating strategy

33 markers with 10 open channels

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Suggested custom whole blood gating scheme

38 markers with 5 open channels

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Marker Verification

Understand how we validate an additional marker

Read about how we test and select optimal antibody concentrations to stain markers by mass cytometry.

130+ antibodies tested in house

Find your marker of interest

Choose from our list of over 130 antibody markers and clones tested and verified in-house. Don’t see your marker of interest on our list? Our team of expert scientists can work with you to add commercially-available or custom-target antibodies to your customized panel.