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It’s about time: Rapid on-site fixation of whole blood samples prior to high-dimensional flow cytometric analysis
Magee & Sigal et al. SITC (2024)

Poster Highlights
- In this study, we investigated the effects of sample fixation and storage at -80C on immune cell composition and activation status by profiling whole blood samples using a 20+ marker flow cytometry panel.
- Whole blood samples from three health donors were collected and split into two–one control and one test sample. Data acquisition and unmixing were performed on the Cytek Aurora spectral cytometer.
- We found a Pearson coefficient of 0.975 when comparing the frequencies of 32 immune cell populations between control (live cell staining) and test samples (fixed), highlighting preservation of immune cell composition in fixed test samples.
- The findings indicate preservation helps to reduce loss of specimens by increasing the shipping window and minimizes batch variability by allowing for central processing.
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Reference citation: Magee K, Sigal N, et al. It’s about time: Rapid on-site fixation of whole blood samples prior to high-dimensional flow cytometric analysis. 2024. 39th Annual Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Meeting.