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It’s on-site: Eliminating site-to-site variability with whole blood collection kits using 30+ marker TokuProfile mass cytometry assay
Sigal & Cheng et al. SITC (2024)

Poster Highlights
- In this study, we compared the differences between live whole blood (48 hours post blood draw) and whole blood fixed with Teiko’s 2-step whole blood collection kit, the TokuKit.
- The study also validated a 41+ marker panel with intra-run, inter-run, and inter-kit precision tests and established that fixed blood can be stored at -80C for up to 24 months.
- We observed a high correlation (r= >0.99) when comparing 30+ immune cell frequencies between the live and fixed blood samples.
- Coefficients of variation (CV) in major immune subset frequencies for inter-run, intra-run, and inter-kit precision showed that over 95% of immune populations had CVs <30% between replicates under all experimental conditions.
- These findings address critical issues of stability and precision, which are crucial for large, multi-centered clinical studies and overcome the drawbacks associated with live sample collection in clinical studies.
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Reference citation: Sigal N, Simpson A, et al. It’s on-site: Eliminating site-to-site variability with whole blood collection kits using 30+ marker TokuProfile mass cytometry. 2024. 39th Annual Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Meeting.